Soothers, shapes and materials

When your little one loves using a soother, what normally concerns most parents most is the possibility of their child's milk teeth not growing straight or their upper incisors sticking out more than the bottom ones.

In actual fact, as long as you choose a soother that is suitable for your child's age and made from a soft material, there is no danger of the dental arch becoming permanently deformed due to the use of the soother, provided they stop using it before the age of three. Parents would only notice the front teeth sticking out slightly if their child used the soother all day long or for years. Also, if a child always tends to keep the soother in the same side of the mouth, as if it were a pipe, it could make it more difficult for the teeth on that side to grow properly. However, in both these cases once the child stops using the soother, the milk teeth return to their correct position.

The design of Suavinex teats is approved by the Spanish Society of Paediatric Dentistry. According to paediatric dentists, the design is optimal for correct development of the palate, provided it is not used beyond 3 years of age.

Soothers can be made from two materials: latex or silicone.

- Latex: this natural rubber is made from the latex extracted from the bark of certain trees. Soothers made from this material are strong, soft, very flexible, transparent and orange-yellow in colour. Over time, this material tends to swell and absorb smells, which means that it should be replaced every month and a half.

- Silicone: this is a soft, flexible material. It does not absorb smells or flavours and its shape cannot be altered.

Depending on their shape, teats can be round or cherry-shaped, anatomical and physiological. All of them adapt to the roof of the child's mouth.